I Locked My Keys In My Trunk
When “I accidentally locked my keys in my trunk you start to panic because you probably have places to be and it’s frustrating when you have lost the use of your vehicle. This puts you at risk of being ripped off due to people preying on those who are vulnerable. However, there are solutions and reputable locksmiths that do help without taking advantage of you.
Car Keys Locked In The Trunk
Solutions “I Locked My Keys In My Trunk”
First, make sure you did indeed lock your keys in your trunk, obviously, you may have already done this but sometimes we are mistaken just double-check you didn’t take them in the house with groceries or leave them on the couch.
Second, is the rest of the car locked? If no, make sure your car isn’t equipped with a trunk button because if it is you can just pop the trunk and retrieve your keys.
Third, if you have locked your keys in the trunk and the car is unlocked, some vehicles are equipped with an access panel if that is the case you can use it to retrieve your keys from the trunk.
Fourth, if the car is locked and indeed your keys are in the trunk sometimes figuring a way out into the car may be easier than trying to open the trunk. When we are in crisis mode we sometimes don’t think clearly do you have a spare key? If no it’s a good idea to obtain one after you retrieve your keys from the trunk to avoid this problem in the future.
Locked My Keys In My Trunk – Continued
Kicking or prying your trunk open not only is a bad idea it’s dangerous and you are going to damage your vehicle and cost you much more to repair than hiring a local locksmith. Also, don’t break the window to get to the trunk release I have seen so many people end up needing medical care and later realizing the window was actually more than a lockout service if have locked your keys in the trunk in Orem give Mr Key Locksmith a call..
How Much Does Unlocking My Trunk To Retrieve My Keys Going To Cost?
Depending on where the vehicle is located, the time of day/night, and the locksmith you call will all depend on the cost of unlocking your trunk. From us calling around and researching national averages you typically will pay anywhere from $65-160 keep in mind we called at different times and gave different locations so this isn’t a set in stone price but a national average. If you are in Utah County or need a Salt Lake City locksmith here at Mr Key Locksmith, we can provide you an accurate price over the phone with no hidden fees.
Locked My Keys In My Trunk In Orem, Utah
Even if we unlock your trunk and you discover the keys aren’t inside don’t worry! We can cut and program you a new key on the spot. It’s actually a good time to ask about us making you a spare car key to avoid this problem in the future. While we are on-site most services are available at a discounted rate because we no longer have to pay for travel expenses.
When shopping around for a local locksmith make sure to ask the following:
- How long until you can be here?
- What is it going to cost?
- Does that include the service call fee?
- Is the total price or a starting at quote?
By verifying this information it can help eliminate some of the scamming locksmith companies. Some will quote low but the majority are going to say this is a starting price and no the service call fee is X which is not included in that quote. Here at Mr Key Locksmith, we provide an accurate quote over the phone with no hidden fees, so keep that in mind when calling other locksmiths.
For All Of Your & Lock Needs!
or call 801-850-0133 for a consultation